Ibn e Sina S02 Episode 05[15] With Urdu Subtitles
Episode 15 – Edcation For All
Sina wants to open a madrasah so that women in Bukhara can also receive education, but the city’s governor rejects this proposal. With anti-madrasah sentiments increasing in the city, Sina’s job will not be easy.
Ibn-e-Sina, or Avicenna as he is known in the West, is one of the greatest philosophers and physicians of the medieval Islamic world. He was born in Bukhara in 980 and produced in-depth works in medicine, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy and many other fields. He was recognized as a great scientist at a young age and carried out many scientific studies throughout his life.
The description of “Ibn-e Sina” as a “little genius” is often used to describe his extraordinary intelligence and achievements at an early age. He memorized the Quran when he was only 10 years old, and at the age of 16 he acquired important knowledge in the field of medicine. He started treating patients on his own when he was 18 years old.
Avicenna’s most famous work, *El-Kanun fi’t-Tıb* (The Law of Medicine), has been accepted as one of the main sources of medical education in the Western and Eastern worlds for centuries. This work has discussed many aspects of medicine in detail, from diagnosis of diseases to treatment methods.
The fact that he became such a great scientist from an early age led him to be referred to as a “little genius”. Such genius-level early achievements were a great source of inspiration both for his time and for subsequent generations.
Ibn e Sina S02 Episode 05[15] With Urdu Subtitles
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اسلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ
بھائی جان مھربانی کرکے ابن سینا سیزن 2 ایپی سوڈ نمبر 13 15
پے ڈاؤن لوڈ والا اوپشن لگادو
انشاللہ آپ میری بات کو نظر انداز نہیں کروگے
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